
吉田戦車 関連グッズ好評販売中!

梅雨で雨が続いていますが、みなさんの家の中はジメジメしていませんか? 筆者は今春に除湿機を購入して、除湿対策はバッチリです! 空気清浄機能付きなので、花粉やホコリも問題なしっ。 みなさんもぜひ、お試しください! さて明日は、『伝染るんです。』…

You of course can buy Yoshida Sensha's picture book but also "Utsurundesu" products.

The rainy season is here in Japan, the air feels heaver and humid. We held a talk of Yoshida Sensha who created "Utsurundesu" last weekend. He recently published his first children picture book "Akachan Motteru" that we have his original i…