

毎朝セミの声で目覚めて、昼間はうだるような太陽の熱光・・・。明日から8月に突入ですね!そんな夏の暑さも<マンガ工房スペシャル>で吹っ飛ばせ!8月1日(日)は、現在ギャラリー4にて開催中の、『村田蓮爾:rm drawing works』の関連イベントとして、イ…

Summer vacation special workshop "Want to be a Manga Artist!"

It's been sunny everyday since the rainy season has ended. We are throwing a workshop that is as hot as the summer over here. "Want to be a Manga Artist!" is a perfect workshop for people who like making manga but don't know what to do. We…


梅雨も明けて祇園祭の山鉾巡行も無事終了した途端に、 毎日晴天が続いている今日この頃です。 そんな暑〜い毎日の中、ワークショップでは今年も熱い企画を開催いたします! その名も、、、 「マンガが描きたい!」 http://www.kyotomm.jp/workshop/ws_2010_s…

Do you know "Shikishi" ?

Shikishi is a kind of paperboard which is commonly known for its square shape made with Japanese washi paper. People often use it as autograph board. However to find creative view of using shikishi we held a workshop from May 15th until Ju…



MM Yukata week finishes tomorrow (18th July).

Gion Matsuri (Gion festival) brought us summer, and today was the day of Yamahoko Junko (Yamahoko procession). Yoiyama (night time festival that was on last night) had no rain, we are sure many people had good time there. Yamahoko were all…



This summers special exhibition has started!

This summers special exhibition has started! You can find figures in the exhibition in Japan often but we are going to show you our different point of view. In this exhibition we are showing you how figures came to be accepted in Japanese …


夏の特別展「フィギュアの系譜―土偶から海洋堂まで」が昨日より始まりました! フィギュアの展示会は季節を問わず全国的に良く見られますが、今回は一味違った展示構成でフィギュアをご紹介します! 本展では、太古の土偶や埴輪(はにわ)、お茶の間に飾られ…

TEAM2011と地デジカが えむえむ にやってくる!

来る7月24日(土)は何の日か皆さんご存知ですか?来年の夏に施行される、テレビ放送がアナログ放送からデジタル放送への切り替え。そのちょうど1年前にあたります。皆さんのお宅のテレビは、地デジ放送が視聴できる状態になっていますか? 「地デジ」って…


お待たせいたしました! 現在開催中の「村田蓮爾:rm drawing works」展の関連グッズが、本日ミュージアムショップに入荷しましたよ!! 蓮爾先生のイラストが表紙になっているアンソロジー集やマウスパッド付きのポストカードセット。それから、蓮爾先生の…

Range Murata goods have arrived.

We now have new arrivals in the shop. These are the goods for the exhibition “Range Murata : rm drawing works”. There are comics anthologies with his illustration on the cover, post cards set with a mouth pad, folders with catalogue and mo…