New arrivals at the museum shop.

We now have new "girly" stationeries from the manga "The Rose of Versailles".

"The Rose of Versailles" is having its 40th anniversary in 2012 so let's keep an eye on it.

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We also have Kyoto Animation goods which are the posters and clear folders etc. of "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" and "K-on!". There is "K-on" Japanese sweeties too.

【If you are willing to order our products】
We do not purchase anything apart from our original products (exhibition booklet etc).
※We only can purchase within Japan.

☆★Updated information★☆

■《KYOTO CMEX 2010 talk, Kyoto International Manga Museum 4th anniversary》
 Uchida Tatsuru×Yoro Takeshi Talk "Cultural Policy within a content society"
 【2010/11/23】 ※Japanese

New artist at the Portrait section