Hyakumonogatari no Yakata exhibition
Hyaku (one hundred) monogatari (stories) is a way of telling horror stories which is called Kaidan in Japan. People tell one hundred stories to each others in a room with one hundred candles.
In this exhibition you will be able to see Japanese traditional kaidan exhibition which is produced by students from Kyoto Seika University, Faculty of Humanities.
This exhibition contains special kaidan story telling performance that is created from manga basis by students, manga works about Hyakumonogatari, materials you can learn about the history of kaidan culture and traditional kaidan.
The exhibition is totally organized by students including decoration and sound design. This is an opportunity to see mixed culture of traditional style Hyakumonogatari with modern materials and story telling for you to know what Hyakumonogatari is.
Hyakumonogatari story telling by the students of Seika University, Faculty of Humanities (30min)
July 30th (Sat), 31st (Sun)
First performance 5pm-,
Second performance 6.30pm-
August 1st (Mon)-7th (Sun)
First performance 4pm-
Second performance 6.30pm-
*The first performance will start at 3pm on August 7th (Sun)