

今日も外は暑いマン・・・・。カフェに入って涼もうっと・・・。 カラン♪ は!ここはなんだ?喫茶店じゃないマン!? はい、いらっしゃいマホーッ!ここは、ただのカフェじゃないよ! 大好きなマンガのことをみんなで語り合う「マンガカフェ」なんだよ! マ…

Do you know what manga cafe is?

It's very hot outside...I need to cool down in the cafe... This isn't cafe, is it?? No, this isn't just a cafe! This is "Manga cafe" where people talk about their favorite manga! Manga cafe? What's that? This isn't anything like a class or…