Now we have more than 100,000 materials for you to search from!

Did you know that we have been collecting more than just manga books and magazines? We have original manga drawings, autographs, posters, DVDs and newspaper articles about something related to manga.

Of course we have mangas from overseas like the ones which were actually written and drawn overseas and manga books that have been translated to foreign languages from Japanese.

For example this is something I found. "Kuri chan" by Nemoto Susumu which was published on Asahi newspaper as a series around post-war period.

It has English translation probably for the foreign people who live in Japan at the time. However there are no speech bubbles because it is a silent manga. This is an example of old publications we have.

What else can you find?
You can search here on the website.

We have been adding the lists of books that have been maintained for the customers to read. And we finally reached to 100,000 resources on the database.

You can search them from title, author and published year. You can access to those materials on the 3rd floor at the research reference room.

◆About Research Reference Room

You cannot search the books on the manga walls (manga books that are in the open shelves in the museum). You only can search the ones which are in the archives.

You can search books on the manga walls on the touch screen panel that are in the museum.

◆Introduction to the manga walls and touch screen panel

You also can search the unregistered materials that you can read from the computer at the research preference room. The materials that haven't been registered are getting ready for the registration too.

Materials we collected so far are mostly donated, so thank you so much for those who donated. They will be kept carefully and we are making it possible for them to be open access. However if we do have the same books already we may give them to other facilities in Japan and overseas.

We actually have donated some to the manga library in Mexico. This is a blog about it.(Japanese)

Mamyu is happy to share Japanese culture somewhere so far away!

◆To find out more about donation

☆★web updates★☆

13 German comic artists ― From alternative comics to manga
【September 10 - October 16, 2011】

Workshop and event "Nichimandoku"
【October 2, 2011】